Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cancun Groped Will My Girlfriend Get Groped In Cancun Clubs?

Will my girlfriend get groped in Cancun Clubs? - cancun groped

Come to Cancun 1-19-10. One night, I will not be able to leave with her. She and her cousin to clubbin '. My girlfriend is 39 and he is cute. Should I worry about it?


Factual5... said...

Not a bit faster than in a club in the United States

antonio said...

Depends on whether they are drunk and flirting with the people there. If flirth doesnot someone you do not have to worry about. Then trust him

clontarf... said...

Drunk American college kids can be very hard. Since attack is quite possible.

Samurai_... said...

I would say 80% yes.

Patriotg... said...

If she wants, I say.

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