Friday, February 5, 2010

Bruised Feeling Head What Could Cause Bruised Feeling In Head When Swallowing?

What could cause bruised feeling in head when swallowing? - bruised feeling head

I had a strange experience today! A few weeks ago I had a cough and tickle on the right side of my throat, but that's more than a week passed and today, when I drink, I feel shattered at the top right on the head only during swallowing or sneeze or laugh too! I had thyroid disease and now I am in favor of Hypo I'm snythroid thyroid. I also noticed that my face and neck a little on the right track, especially in my ear, but not real-kicks or nothing! I also have a burning sensation in the abdomen near the bladder. Mmmmm ... weird! Any idea what this might be very grateful! Thank you!

1 comment:

ashresty said...

uumm your thyroid could be again. Doc visit yer.

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