Thursday, February 4, 2010

Throat Infection After Kissing I Haves Sore Throat After Kissing A Girl?

I haves sore throat after kissing a girl? - throat infection after kissing

I kissed the girl, who I know well, and after a week I had a sore throat with white patches on the tonsils. I am antiboitics get to the doctor and the white patches on the left. After the white patches of red spots were left in the throat, the doctor said he saw no infection. I hate that I am ruining my life face of his throat, the doctor says it's just stress. I know that stress can cause red spots deep in the throat for almost a year. or infection. HIV testing, gonoree, chamdie, syphylis neg in June 2007. August 2007 neg test life insurance. November, the test meal, mumps, Neg. February 2008 HIV tests neg What can cause red spots on the neck can sometimes feel a sore throat and sometimes, what is the cause. It is your hard drive free to prove that the sore throat does not have money to spend in the doctor of all time.

1 comment:

This Account No Longer Exists said...

could be mono

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