Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Resource Breeze Has Anyone Ever Had A Parent Under Hospice Care For An Extended Period - 9+ Months?

Has anyone ever had a parent under hospice care for an extended period - 9+ months? - resource breeze

My mother was in palliative care since the end of January. (The diagnosis of multiple myeloma with amyloidosis)

Upon entering, we were told that they were looking at about a month. It hurts us, we prepare, we - together crying, and Mom hung on the edge of a cliff - bedbound, skeleton thin, weak and helpless ten long months .... and now that is still continuing.
After about 4 to 5 months, Mama began to fall and lose his appetite and a hospice resource named Breeze drink recipe, which improves the appetite and strength levels a little. She drinks the wind, and always eat pureed food - but the doctors have confirmed that there is nothing better, and that the disease carried on the verge of death, and left open. We lack the means to provide for their care .... We are tired, sad, depressed, and believe that something so terrible could take so long. We advise you ?????
How to overcome?

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